Few things are as stressful for homeowners as common furnace problems in cold weather. While you can lower your chances of troublesome issues with routine preventative maintenance on your HVAC system, no furnace lasts forever, even with the utmost care.
Common HVAC Problems and Solutions
Some heating issues don’t require a gas furnace repairman, but many do. The following are five of the most common furnace repair problems that homeowners can encounter:
1. Clogged, Dirty Filters
Most people know to change their air filters every 90 days, but many are unaware that failing to do so can cause bigger problems than just dirty air. When a filter becomes overly jammed up with debris and dirt, it restricts airflow to your furnace.
This restriction not only reduces furnace efficiency but can also damage the limit switch. This situation presents a potential fire hazard, so make sure to change your furnace filter once each quarter.
2. A Cracked Heat Exchanger
If you overheat your home or don’t change air filters every quarter as you should, the heat exchanger in your furnace can crack. The job of the heat exchanger is to separate the air from the warming flame.
The heat exchanger performs an important job that keeps your furnace running safely. You will not be able to repair a cracked heat exchanger on your own. It requires the attention of a qualified, skilled HVAC technician to replace the exchanger.
3. The Furnace Is Not Producing Warm Air
One of the most common reasons for a furnace not blowing warm air is a problem with the fan setting on the thermostat. Begin your furnace troubleshooting chart by making sure the fan isn’t set to “on.”
This setting causes the furnace to do nothing more than blow air through the home. It tells the furnace to operate as if it were a whole-house fan, and it won’t heat the air that moves through the system.
Another reason for the lack of warm air could be that there is no flame to ignite the fuel and heat the air. The pilot light could be out but take note: Older furnaces have a pilot light that stays lit continuously, while newer furnaces have electronic ignition instead.
This ignition ignites the pilot light only when the furnace cycles on. Check your air filter and thermostat if you notice a lack of warm air. If neither seems to be the issue, it’s best to contact a technician to make the appropriate diagnosis and repair.
4. The Furnace Is Short-Cycling
Short-cycling is a term that describes when a furnace turns on and off frequently before it ever reaches the temperature you have set on the thermostat. You will notice short-cycling if your furnace turns on, then turns off after just a couple of minutes.
Short cycles are often caused by a lack of air flowing through the furnace, causing it to overheat. There are safety measures in place on furnaces that will shut them down whenever overheating occurs. The furnace kicks on when the overheating has passed, only to overheat again a minute or two later.
If you notice your furnace short-cycling, check your air filter and replace it if it’s dirty. If this doesn’t solve the issue, you’ll need a technician to see what’s causing the short cycles.
5. Your Furnace Is Making New Noises
It’s normal for a furnace to make some noises as it operates, such as a click when the thermostat signals the furnace to turn on or off. Blowers on some furnaces are louder than others, and airflow can cause whooshing sounds.
However, if you notice knocking, rattling, or rumbling, you need to turn off your furnace and contact a professional. It could be anything from something coming loose that needs tightening or adjusting to fuel being left in the combustion chamber after shut-off.
Get Professional Help for Furnace Problems and Repairs
No matter what the issue with your furnace might be, if you are uncomfortable performing troubleshooting on your own, don’t hesitate to contact an HVAC repair professional. Furnace issues can be intimidating, so let experts make sure repairs are done accurately and safely.
About Paul The Plumber
Since 2002, Derry, New Hampshire, has depended on Paul The Plumber for plumbing and HVAC services. Known for honest pricing, fast response time, and excellent customer service, Paul The Plumber also offers extended warranties and 24-hour emergency service.
Contact Paul The Plumber today for help with your malfunctioning furnace in Derry.